Incidents involving mobile crane lifts can lead to deaths and/or severe injuries to workers, as well as extensive damage to property. The complex nature of lifts involving multiple mobile cranes (also called tandem lifts) makes them particularly hazardous.
In order to prevent incidents involving multiple mobile crane lifts, sufficient planning and training are extremely important.
On successful completion of this training program, delegates will:
- Know how to plan and prepare for work;
- Demonstrate knowledge of tandem lifting procedures;
- Confirm requirements for tandem lifting tasks;
- Conduct risk assessment;
- Perform tandem lifting;
- Complete work related documents;
- Clean up work area.
Who Should Attend
This training program has been designed for personnel who have successfully completed the Offshore Crane Operator Stage 3 and expected to perform tandem lift.
Training Methodology
This 2 days training program is a workshop-based with large capacity of training aid materials and practical sessions; providing meaningful experience for delegates. The session includes formal presentation, prepared in the Power Point, interspersed with directed discussion and case studies and relevant videos.
Element 1: Plan and prepare for work
- Work instructions, including plans, specifications, quality requirements and operational details
- Safety requirements, PPE, workplace policies and procedures
- Traffic control requirements
- Consistency of tasks with the requirements of the job
- Environmental protection requirements
- Inspection and preparation of work area and equipment according to workplace procedures.
Element 2: Demonstrate knowledge of tandem lifting procedures
- Crane lifting charts
- Calculation and tabulation in accordance with standard formulas and specifications.
- Describing procedure for insuring lifts in tandems
- Safety procedures for tandem lifting
Element 3: Confirm requirements for tandem lifting tasks
- Lifting equipment charts are evaluated and rated
- Lifting equipment charts are analyzed
- Lifting operation are calculated and documented for each participating hook.
- Centre of gravity is calculated and documented.
- Certificates for lifting machines and equipment are obtained,
Element 4: Conduct risk assessment
- Levels and set out alignments of structures are checked
- Ground conditions are evaluated and verified
- Overhead hazards are identified
- Climatic conditions are evaluated
- Erection site is isolated by barriers
- Safety procedures and communication signals are carried out
Element 5: Perform tandem lifting
- Lift is controlled by designated person
- Hoist lines are positioned and hook travel path controlled
- Both crane movements are controlled for the duration of lifting operations
- Load stability is maintained during lifting procedures
- Loads are lifted and safely placed in accordance with workplace procedures
- Loads are completed in accordance with specifications
Element 6: Complete work related documents
- Work related documents are completed
- Maintenance and service related documents are completed
- Documents related to accidents or other incidents are completed
Element 7: Cleanup work area
- Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or rec
- Plant, tools and equipment are cleaned, checked, maintained, serviced and stored
- Inspection, faultfinding, and reporting is carried out