Confined Space (Train The Trainer)

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Confined space train the trainer course offers an in-depth review of OSHA general industry regulation 29 CFR 1910.146. The training is designed to teach participants how to teach and develop their own confined space program for his place of employment. It provides individuals attending this course the information needed to become a competent instructor and understand how to convey the potential hazards of working in confined spaces and the requirements necessary to control those hazards prior to entry.



By the end of Confined Space Train The Trainer Course, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the overall intent and implications of the standard.
  • Explain the difference between a confined space and a permit-required confined space.
  • Explain the duties of the:
    1. Authorized Entrant.
    2. Attendant.
    3. Entry Supervisor.
    4. Rescue services.
  • Demonstrate understanding of proper usage of confined space entry equipment.
  • Plan and write JSA for confined space entry.
  • Explain atmospheric testing protocol.
  • Understand the minimum requirements of an entry permit and program.
  • Demonstrate and apply teaching techniques.



This course covers:

  • OSHA standards 29 CFR 1910.146.
  • Recognition of confined space hazards.
  • Confined space entry team members and roles of each member.
  • Proper usage of confined space entry equipment.
  • Permitting process.
  • Proper SCBA/Respirator usage.
  • Testing Requirements.
  • Entry procedures.
  • Adult education methodology.



3 days



Teach a 20-minute topic relating to confined space.


Target Audience:

All staff authorized to teach and develop confined space training program for his place of employment.



A multiple-choice test is administered at the conclusion of the program. Incorrectly answered questions will be reviewed with student to ensure understanding before completion of course.


Course Materials:

All participants are issued a Training Manual (Student Guide).



Confined space trainer the trainer course is valid for two years.


Course Completion Certificate:

Program participants who successfully complete the course are issued a certificate of completion and confined space train the trainer card.

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