Confined Space Entry Course is designed to teach participants
How to:
• Identify the OSHA regulation that deals specifically with Confined Space Entry.
• Describe confined space hazards.
• State confined space entry team members.
• Describe the roles of each confined space entry team member.
• Describe proper usage of confined space entry equipment.
• Describe the permitting process.
• State the hazard considerations to be taken when planning for a confined space entry.
• Describe proper SCBA/Respirator usage.
• State the process of working together as a team to perform safe, confined space entry.
• State the plan and write a JSA for safe confined space entry.
• Demonstrate the proper completion of a Job Risk Assessment (JRA) and Permit To Work (PTW).
• Describe the proper use of atmospheric monitoring equipment.
• Describe the proper use of entry & rescue equipment.
• State the rescue procedures.
This course covers:
• Recognition of confined space hazards.
• Confined space entry team members and roles of each member.
• Proper usage of confined space entry equipment.
• Permitting process.
• Proper SCBA/Respirator usage.
• How to work together as a team and perform confined space entry in a safe manner.
• How to plan and write JSA for confined space entry.
• Proper use of atmospheric monitoring equipment.
• Rescue procedures.
Practical Exercises:
• Atmospheric testing in a confined space.
• Proper usage of confined space entry equipment.
• Rescue and emergency notification procedures.
Target Audience:
All staff authorized to enter confined spaces are required to attend this training.
A multiple-choice test is administered at the conclusion of the program. Incorrectly answered questions will be reviewed with student to ensure understanding before completion of course.
Course Materials:
All participants are issued a Training Manual (Student Guide).
Course Completion Certificate:
Program participants who successfully complete the course are issued a certificate of completion.